Wednesday, December 6, 2006

What is wrong with some parents?

How the hell is it that some parents completly forget abou their children? I mean being orphaned myself blows!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT watching this single moms struggle cause dads don't give!!! Or mothers don't give....
Seriously what the heck is wrong with people. Why the heck do they have kids? They should just do society a favor and go straight to JAIL, and not collect 200!!!!! Dumbass parents!!!!

For you, who are a good parent and especially those single parents! YOU THE BOMB!!!! God bless you, seriously......

That is my vent, could be worse:-)

The Grief Blog: Grieving Our Losses

The Grief Blog: Grieving Our Losses

Monday, December 4, 2006


Today, I had an interesting day. Interesting not really in a good way but in a very emotionally exhasuting way. More so cause I continue to come to some relatiozations about my life that really suck. I explored the loss of not having parents. That love that makes you feel worth something, the love that makes you feel noticed and alive. I shared today how difficult it has been during certain moments, not to have the love of my parents. Then as I shared this with some friends I realized that I also feel the loss of my grandfather and great uncle. I just wish my life had not experienced such loss but that is all I have come to know. I expect loss.......
I want to know what it is like to expereince the embrace of love. The embrace of a mom. The embrace of a dad. The embrace of God!!!!! The embrace of those that care and love me.

Sunday, December 3, 2006


It is so dam hard to be in relationship especially when your aim is to be happy. I just don't understand why is that hard times make people want to treat the other like shit. What the freak??????????? I don't want to feel like I don't belong when the one that is making me feel like that is the one I love most. When it is my best friend that is making me feel like I urk the shit out of them.
I get the wrath when no one is around and maybe I am wrong but right now it feels that way. What the freak did I do but love you? What do you want me to do???Just tel me maybe that would help things. This is not easy and I am not asking to fucking talk all the time I just want to be able to live in my house. Cause where you are is my home!!!!!!!
I am so pissed right now I want to hit something...........

Saturday, December 2, 2006


Why does there have to be such sickness in the world? Why in the holy hell do kids have to be born sick???? Life just seems so unfair at times. Where is the joy? Where is the good?
You know I started out thinking that doing this blog shit would be good for me to get out my feelings. Then I so freakin stressted I forgot all my sign up stuff from before so had to start all over again. So a whole dame week and here is what I got....
I wish today I could runaway or become a robot and not feel crap. I know it can't happen but I can still wish no to feel such pain, such heartache and such thoughts. My brain hurts from thinking so much which is why I am here. In someways to make sure I am not the only one that is so crazy or not alone or something like that.
So, in order to help my mood I am gonna put up my tree and you will be sure beer will be going with that. Here is hoping for a good day